Friday 10 November 2023

Naval Battle Warnings

While preparing our digital edition of the Quatri Partitu en Cosmographia by Alonso de Chaves, genuine little treasures pop up everywhere. The author’s clear and detailed writing enables a visualization that is nearly as vivid as if we were personally witnessing the described scenarios, or watching a movie on the big screen in a cinema.

This time, the author immerses us in a maritime warfare scenario, explaining how the various crew members of the ships should act and the role each vessel in the fleet should play during the battle. He provides guidance for both offensive and defensive situations, along with instructions on which weapons to employ and when to use them, as well as the positioning of the ships in accordance with various battle scenarios. Towards the end of the chapter, the author offers a particularly intriguing warning:

“special care must be taken whenever a man is wounded on any of the ships in such a way that he cannot fight. Immediately, he should be placed below deck so that he does not obstruct the movement of people from one side to the other. Also, this is to prevent his comrades from seeing him and becoming disheartened or showing weakness. If the wound happens to be mortal or if he is entirely dead, it is better that as soon as he has breathed his last, he is cast into the sea so that one does not lose heart upon seeing others dead, especially when they are relatives and friends. Thus, there should be no severely disabled men or those without weapons and the will to fight on the deck and deckhouse.”

Reading this paragraph gave me the sensation of watching a movie, arriving at the unsettling part where we tend to close our eyes or shield the screen with our hand, all while maintaining a curiosity to see what is unfolding. Such instructions, unwelcome to offer and receive, were highly real, practical and pragmatic, and contributed directly to the overall success of 16th-century maritime journeys and, in this case, naval battles. [Carmo Lacerda]

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